Friday, May 11, 2012

It is so hard for me to admit to weakness! For so many years I've been the go-to person in the family that holds things together and all of a sudden when I am really needed,I feel anxious and physical impared. Emotionally I guess I'm a bit of a train wreak. This puzzles me as I am usually so peaceful. Perhaps I can chalk this up to the abrupt changes that have taken place in our home; one day 2 people and the next 7. Maybe watching my baby girl fight breast cancer while I no longer have the capacity to comfort her as I did when she was a child has left me feeling vulnerable and powerless. Tears seem stuck behind my eyes ready to explode at any moment......and then there is a knock at the door, a lovely angel of mercy bringing supper to us. I feel wrapped in the love of God as he lifts me up and reminds me that He is strong when I am week. He reminds me that He never called me to be the all sufficient one because that is His job. He has called me to trust in Him and my job at this time is to love on my grandchildren and perhaps,cry. My devotion today reminds me not to run from difficulties because they are not random mistakes but rather they are hand-tailored blessings designed by my loving God for my benefit and growth. I know my family will come out on the other side of this time of trouble stronger, wiser, more compassionate, and closer knit. To God be the glory!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Let us network..."

This is my first day to blog, a 63 year old grandmother of 14 and mother of six. Our lives have become entangled by troubles. As I sought the Lord this morning my devotional by Joyce Meyers said,"God uses frail people (cracked pots!) to proclaim the power of His gospel. As my daughter faces a mastectomy on Thursday, another daughter waits for thyroid surgery,a third daughter miscarried a much rejoiced over baby, a fourth daughter walks through everyday in pain and I am hopefully on the upside of recovery after 4 months of excruciating pain; we had to make the choice to wallow or to rejoice in our faithful God who has always proven himself to be a good and loving Abba (father). We as cracked pots are choosing