Sunday, March 23, 2014

Open Hands
Attitude, attitude, attitude! My attitude toward events taking place around me plays a monumental part in determining whether or not I finish my day in peace or anxiety, joy or anger. Recently while reading Love Does by Bob Goff I was impressed by an interesting theory. Bob who is a lawyer said that he requires his clients to hold their hands open, palms up on their laps when they are being deposed for an upcoming court case. The open hand stance helps his clients to relax and remain focused. As soon as their hands clench up they are more apt to become agitated and confuse their statements.
While meditating upon that idea I remembered years ago being told that when walking or standing I tended to exhibit poor posture because my shoulders would roll forward along with my head. My instructor advised that I turn my hands palms up and open. My shoulders automatically rolled back and my back straighten and my head was raised up. This simple action put my body in a healthy posture.
Like a lightbulb going on in my head ( so often that is how it feels when God speaks to me in His soft, gentile voice) I realized that posture has everything to do with a good attitude in life.
When I open my hands to God and lift my troubles up to him,the negitive emotions fall away. I begin to relax and become clear minded and focused. Peace takes the place of anxiety. In actuality the difficult situation may not have changed one bit, but my attitude has changed and I am in a more healthy place to face the challenge before me.
It has been almost two years since I last blogged. My good intentions to journal my walk with my daughter through pregnancy with breast cancer evaporated when her entire family of five moved in so my husband and I could help. That enabled her husband to continue to work. At 63 I became a full time mom again. Oh, the joy and fatigue!
I have so much to share about the last 2 years but.......later! My goal is to share with you the story of my life as I have walked with God, sometimes with the palms of my hands clenched tight and

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